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Karen's Kitty Kingdom
The Purrfect Home away from Home Boutique Cattery

- The owner agrees by his/her signature, or that of their representative (who warrants that s/he is duly authorised), on the face of this The animal(s) being boarded is/are in a fit and healthy condition.
- All details given on the admission form are true and accurate;
- Inoculation certificates are accurate, valid and pertinent;
- The animals admitted are fit and free from any infectious disease and have not been exposed to infectious diseases within 6 weeks of admission;
- Full disclosure has been made of habits, traits, characteristics, and/ailments peculiar to the pet, and that the pet is free from vice.
- All cats being boarded are required to have current vaccinations with the certificates being produced on arrival, otherwise boarding will be refused. All vaccinations must be valid at least 14 days prior to boarding and cover the whole of the boarding term. Cats are to be vaccinated against Feline Enteritis & Cat Flu.
- Proof of sterilization of cats over the age of 6 months must be produced on arrival. No unsterilised cats over the age of 6 months will be accepted for boarding.
- While all reasonable precautions are taken in the care of all animals boarded at Karen’s Kitty Kingdom it is distinctly understood that no liability is accepted for any death, loss, injury or illness due to escape, accident, infection or any other cause whatsoever suffered by any boarder in our care. This indemnity shall apply regardless of whether any such death, loss, injury or illness may be due to any action of any of our staff. In the event of the death of any animal in our care, a veterinary opinion as to the cause of death may be sought. This will be at the expense of the owner.
- Any veterinary expenses incurred by a cat boarding at Karen’s Kitty Kingdom due to illness or injury, will be charged to the owner. It is emphasised that Karen’s Kitty Kingdom will not be held liable for any new or current or recurrent illness or injury. All efforts will be made to contact the owner or alternative contact person to obtain permission to seek veterinary treatment for an ill or injured cat. However, if required, veterinary assistance may be requested at the Owner’s cost without prior consultation. Treatments such as de-worming, tick & flea treatment, bathing and grooming will be administered if deemed necessary. These items will be charged for as will transport to and from the vet or other facility, and payment is due on collection of the animal.
- Any bedding, toys, collars and any other items supplied by the owner that may be damaged/destroyed by the animals are left at the owner’s risk. No responsibility is accepted for any articles such as collars, leads, containers and bedding left at the kennels.
- Special dietary requirements will be administered as supplied and requested by the Owner.
- All reasonable efforts will be made to administer oral medication or to apply external treatments as directed of which there is no charge to the owner.
- Advanced bookings require a non-refundable deposit of 50% of the total amount due to secure the booking.
- Boarding fees are charged to include the day of arrival & departure. Boarding fees are payable at the beginning of the term on arrival. In the event of any delay in collection, notification must be given at the earliest opportunity and Karen’s Kitty Kingdom reserves the right to refuse the extension.
- Short over runs (2 days maximum) can be paid at the time of collection. Long extensions (more than 2 days) to boarding must be paid for at the time the term is requested by EFT.
- Karen’s Kitty Kingdom reserve the right to retain any animal, charging for the extended stay until such time as the outstanding account is settled, or to dispose of the animal with a suitable rescue centre, if any account becomes overdue or if the animal is not collected within 48 hours of the collection date. Any costs involved will be the responsibility of the owner.
- ABANDONMENT: Any pet not collected within 48 hours of the “Date Out” will be regarded as having been abandoned by the owner, and will be disposed as of as seen fit by the management of Karen’s Kitty Kingdom. The same will apply to any long term boarder whose monthly bill is not paid within 7 days of the due date. The owner of the pet will remain liable for the full account, plus any costs involved in disposal.
- Karen’s Kitty Kingdom reserves the right to add, change, or vary these Terms & Conditions at any time. However the latest prevailing Terms & Conditions are always on view in reception for inspection during the registration process.
- document to all the conditions set out below and further warrants that:
I, ………………………………………………………….., the owner of …………………………………….. (cat’s name), hereby confirm that I have read, understood, and agree to the terms and conditions as set out in this contract.
___________________ __________________
Owner’s signature Witness

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