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Karen's Kitty Kingdom
The Purrfect Home away from Home Boutique Cattery

Karen's Kitty Kingdom
What do we offer?
What our service includes?
- Each cabin gets cleaned twice a day and time is allocated for play time.
- We have 11 very unique cabins all decorated according to there garden name: Rose, Anenome, Daisy, Viola, Lavender, Sunflower, Fuchia, Poppy, Carnation, Nasturtium and Pansy.
- Each cattery contains a scratch patch, heater, comfortable bedding and numerous toys that are sterilized and rotated between bookings.
- We will provide your food to your kitties at their specified feeding times.

- We charge a daily fee of R 140.00
- There is a maximum of 2 cats per cabin from the same family except in the Lavender unit where we can accommodate three cats.
- There is usually someone on site 24 hours a day keeping a eye on what the cats are up to and c​hecking that they are receiving the attention they need.
- We require a 50% deposit two weeks before the arrival of your kitty and the balance needs to be paid the day before your cats arrival.
- Confirmation needs to be received that all injections are up to date before admittance.
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